Thursday, December 25, 2008

Man on the Street

A friend and I were driving into the parking lot behind Meshuggah's cafe in the loop the other night. We were startled as we drove by a man lying next to a dumpster, who looked like perhaps he had been hit by a car. I parked, and we walked over to him. I asked was he alright, to which he responded with a loud snore. I immediately went to my car and grabbed my camera and tripod, and snapped away. Perhaps they may strike you as a tad creepy and/or odd, but what was curious about this man was that he did not appear to be homeless. He was dressed pretty tredily, and was sleeping quite soundly. I would have had more difficulty photographing someone dressed in rags with a bottle next to him, but this man's situation was not that of a homeless man. He was gone when we came back about and hour and a half later. These pictures remind me somewhat of the Providence photo project I did earlier.

This one is my favorite, becuase your attention is drawn at first to the dumpster, and then your eyes fall to the man beside it. This is more of a straight photography feel.

Hey look, it's the Wicked Witch!

(focus slightly edited in photoshop)

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